Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011


Indonesia is a country in Southeast Asia..we had approximately 13,000 islands..It has 33 provinces with over 238 million people, and is the world's fourth most populous country..
Indonesia is a Republic country, the capital city is Jakarta..The country shares land borders with Papua New Guinea, East Timor, and Malaysia..or the other neighbours like Australia, Singapore and Philippines.
Indonesia Raya is our national anthem. there you go:

we have so many different culture, language, religion, etc. that's makes us being ONE..

we also have so many beautiful places in every island.

that's our Indonesia, our beautiful country. saving our life with caring of all the entire nature, culture, and the peoples.. Indonesia is our everything, you'll realize then

Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

The first time I knew 'One Direction' was from 'TT', when that time was the Niall's birthday .. 
maybe another directioners know them since they were in the X-Factor, difference with me .. I'm not from UK / Irish, but I'm from Narnia hahaa~ lol jk, i'm from I'm including a new directioners:)
I'm trying to figure out "'who's One Direction is", it turns out they're five talented guy, four from UK and the other from Ireland ..
they are very AMAZING, I started looking for them on Youtube, Google, and Twitter .. 

and I saw their videos on Youtube when they were on X-Factor's stage 'AMAZING' they're incredible ..
they aren't only had a good looking, but they also had a beautiful's a great talented..

Niall Horan (
13 September 1993), was the first person I know, a belieber guy from Ireland who likes Nando's :D he's really cute, I love his voice, his eyes, his smile and when he laughed :) he's so down to earth xx
Louis Tomlinson (
24 December 1991), the funniest guy in the 1D..he has a charming face, his smile is very beautiful, I love him when he uses his glasses, he looks more cutest :) x
Liam Payne (
29 August 1993), a guy who hates spoon :/ his voice's so AMAZING, the first time I saw his audition's video on the X-Factor and he sang "Cry Me A River" WOW INCREDIBLE .. he also has a gorgeous face, he's also down to earth he tried to reply our mentions on twitter and he's fit *-* :D
Harry Styles
1 February 1994), the cutiest one :) when he's smile, omg..i feel like i died for a second ._. although i just saw it from pictures :p his voice's also amazing! :))
Zayn Malik (12 January 1993), the quiet's one :) he's absolutely AMAZAYN *-* his face, his voice, his smile, he's fit and i've heard that he's a muslim :D oh nice, so we are same :p xx

be part of # 1Dfamily is a honour, they're very cool, they help each other, they aren't arrogant, they're also amazing, I love being a part of them ..
when 'the boys' (a term for 1D) is live from TV or radio, they always record and share them to us who aren't from the UK .. it's a very cool :')



Senin, 28 November 2011

Form dengan Notepad

banyak halaman page yang dibutuhkan untuk registrasi dan log in (sign in). untuk membuatnya kita dapat membuat dengan bentuk formulir..

apa itu formulir ? biasanya ditulis dengan tag <form>
dalam bentuk formulir mempunyai jenis input yang berbeda-beda. Apa itu input? Input adalah sesuatu yang dimasukkan oleh pembaca halaman web kalian misalnya teks. Dari atas ke bawah :
  • Text area
  • Password
  • Checkbox
  • Radio
  • Select
  • Textarea 
diatas adalah contoh formulir 

1.  text dan text area
untuk membuat 'nama' diatas menggunakan Input tipe Text digunakan untuk memasukkan karakter-karakter yang jumlahnya tidak terlalu banyak. Berbeda dengan Textarea yang dapat menampung karakter dalam jumlah besar.
<input type=text name=”nama” size=”20″>  *size=ukuran kotak tulisan
input tersebut juga dapat digunakan untuk membuat alamat/kota/ hal lain yang memerlukan kotak tulis dengan jumlah kata yang terbatas :D

2. radio button
untuk membuat jenis kelamin, kita membutuhkan input radio button, apa itu ? mari cari tau
<input type=”radio” name=”kelamin”>Pria<input type=”radio” name=”kelamin”>Wanita
radio button digunakan apabila pilihan yang disediakan hanya dapat dipilih satu saja.

3. check box
untuk membuat hoby, kita membutuhkan input check box. apa itu ?
<input type=”checkbox” name =”musik”>Musik<input type=”checkbox” name=”olahraga”>Olahraga<input type=”checkbox” name=”jalan”>Jalan
berbeda dengan radio button yang hanya bisa memilih satu pilihan, dengan input check box kita bisa memilih beberapa pilihan sekaligus :D
4. select
Select digunakan apabila tampilan pilihan yang kita sediakan berbentuk dropdown. Sebenarnya aplikasinya mirip dengan Radio yaitu pilihan yang boleh dipilih hanya satu. Select digunakan selalu bersamaan dengan Option.

<select size=”1″ name=”agama”>

kode html formulir diatas
<center> <b>Form Data Diri</b> </center>
<tr><td>Nama<td>  :   <input type=text name=”nama” size=”20″> <tr><td>Alamat<td>  :   <input type=text name=”alamat” size=”30″>
<tr><td>Kota<td>  :   <input type=text name=”kota” size=”22″>
<tr><td>Telp<td>  :   <input type=text name=”telp” size=”15″>
<tr><td>Jenis Kelamin<td>  :   <input type=”radio” name=”kelamin”>Pria<input type=”radio” name=”kelamin”>Wanita
<tr><td>Hoby<td>  :   <input type=”checkbox” name =”musik”>Musik<input type=”checkbox” name=”olahraga”>Olahraga<input type=”checkbox” name=”jalan”>Jalan
<tr><td>Agama<td>  :   <select size=”1″ name=”agama”>
<tr><td>Asal Sekolah<td>  :   <input type=”text” name=”asalsma” size=”35″>
<tr><td>Jurusan<td> :   <input type=”text” name=”jurusan” size=”20″>
<input type=”submit” value=Kirim><input type=”reset”>